The WALK FOR JUSTICE FOR MURDER VICTIMS, held on September 10th was a success. The turnout and support was overwhelming! Awesome! The weather perfect!
Seven Families and friends walked for a LOVED ONE who was brutally murdered.
We had excellent Media coverage: CTV, GLOBAL TV, CityTV, Calgary Sun, Calgary Herald, City Light News, Radio interview with California 103 FM, Radio CFR 660, and Peter Watts at CHQR 770.
A BIG THANK YOU for all your support to those who walked and also a BIG THANK YOU to all the NEWS media who did an awesome job in covering this event.
If you have been affected by
Homicide and would like to take part in the WALK
FOR JUSTICE 2007, please contact Steffi.
(Please click on any of the following clippings for a full size view)