letter to Prime Minister Harper/Justice Ministers (September
28, 2008)
Re: escalating violence-gangs / KNIFE vs GUN
As a voter and a mother of a murdered son (Aaron Shoulders,
a Canadian), I feel I am still being ignored and so are
my issues. It takes a huge amount of courage and emotional
investment for me to speak out, raise awareness and fight
against the escalating (gang) violence against our youth
in our cities, provinces and country. Gang/youth violence
continues to escalate, yet little has been done to address
this serious problem. It is time to stop the denial, put
aside our apathy and get serious. Our children are our future
and they are dying in our streets... gangs and organized
crime will gain more and more power and will terrorize our
communities until our lawmakers and judicial system wakes
up and gets serious by making the so necessary changes!
5 years I have been speaking out against knives, yet the
focus remains on "guns". Even though the majority
of murders in Canada are committed with knives, nothing
has been done to enforce knife laws. I am outraged by this
along with many families who's children were also stabbed
to death. Murder is murder no matter what weapon is used!!!!
The outcome is always the same, broken hearts, shattered
lives, destroyed families and another young life robbed
from us.
Shoulders Surgeon quotes)
I have very strong feelings that there is absolutely no
reason to carry a knife in the city. A knife can be every
bit as deadly as a gun or a bomb, and I have seen too much
evidence to prove that. The only reason I see for carrying
a knife in the city is to kill, and I believe society has
the right to protect itself against such behavior."
-Andy Kirkpatrick, Foothills Hospital-Calgary
Sullivan, president of the Canadian Resource Centre for
Victims of Crime said... "more people die as a result
of knife violence", Sullivan suggested minimum sentences
ought to be considered in cases involving all weapons, not
just guns.
still have NO deterrence for violent criminals who commit
these heinous evil inhumane acts. Sentences remain far too
short. This allows violent offenders to re-offend as they
are FREE. We must focus on changing our Justice system,
stop the revolving-door policy at the courts and stop the
hug-a-thug attitude. Immigrants committing violent crimes
in Canada need to be deported instead of hiding behind our
pitiful laws. Murderers should NOT be granted bail, given
day passes and should NOT be allowed parole. My son will
never get out on bail, day pass or parole... he is gone
forever. My family and I are serving a life-sentence without
him. Murder is a very serious crime and it is time our system
reflects this. Otherwise victims of homicide and their families
are re-victimized over and over again and remain paralyzed
with fear.
government needs to back our Police, so when they catch
and arrest these weapon wielding violent murderous thugs/gangsters,
they are removed from our streets permanently and sentenced
according to their heinous crimes. Judges are now saying
they give out sentences according to our written laws...
so if the Judges are not at fault, who is??? Who makes our
still exists! My son's murder was a racial joy-killing.
This has been kept silent and has never been addressed.
It is unacceptable and an outrage!
only son Aaron Shoulders was swarmed and brutally beaten
and stabbed by 12 Asian gang-members in 2003... he was tortured
to death, he suffered horrendously for 15 days.Aaron
also was an innocent bystander. He was promoting peace
and saved another's young mans life. Over 200 witnesses
stood by and watched, yet refuse to help police to this
Aaron's killers remain free, after more than 5 years. According
to our police chief, (article in the Calgary Sun July 23rd
"we are all in danger") the very gang that brutally
murdered my son, is also responsible for much of the violence
and blood-shed in our city since 2003. Aaron was stereo-typed
because of the color of his skin.
I fear for my young grandchildren... will they have a future
or will they be next????
believe the time has come to stop making uninformed, uneducated
and hasty decisions that are merely band-aids and do not
offer any long term solutions. We need to take a close look
at other countries who have taken initiatives and successfully
lowered their gang violence/murder rate.
excellent book "Gangsta in the House"
written by Mike Knox, a 15-year veteran of the Houston
Police Department... Robert Eckels, Harris
County Judge says "This is a must read for every
parent, educator and government official in our country"
Mayor Bob Lanier Houston, Texas says "An honest, hard-hitting
look at gangs--causes and cures--by an honest, hard hitting
Justice and change...
would like to meet with you to address my above concerns
more in-depth as well as getting your feedback and plans
tackling this serious problem to start saving the lives
of our youth.
forward to your timely response. I will be calling your
office next week, I trust you will find the time to discuss
this pressing issue.
Thank you.
Steffi Stehwien