Please light a candle...

Please light a candle in their honor
For the children we have lost
Tears that have been shed each day
Sleepless nights that we have tossed

Our lives that have forever changed
Out of our control
We will never understand this fate
We can never be consoled

Each day we wake again to pain
That comes from deep within
Unless you've lived this awful fate
You can not know where we've been

We will never be over losing them
Tried so hard to let you know
That this love will last forever
Till the day on Earth we go

Our memories are bittersweet
Some smiles and some tears
Longing for this all to end
Then days turn into years

We somehow move along in life
This pain right by our sides
Grief is now a part of us
Our heart, it does reside

Please light a candle in their honor
As we picture them set free
To lose a child is so tragic
This is not how life should be

In loving memory of Joey and his heavenly buddies
Lyndie S Sorenson
Revised ©copyright June 2007


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Aaron's Story