Since the brutal murder of my only son in 2003, I have been actively fighting against the escalating gang/youth violence in our city/province/country. This has involved raising awareness and meeting with our leaders, writing continues letters to our officials as well as meeting with the press. Again and again I have been informed by MPs & MLAs that it will take the "masses" to change our so called ÒJustice SystemÓ and our far too lenient laws.

This means we ALL have to UNITE and do our part,
take a stand and let our voices be heard...

"There is POWER in NUMBERS"
together WE the people can take back our city/province/country"

  1. Come out and join me in the 4th Annual Walk for Justice International Ð Sept. 5th 2009 @ 2 PM
  2. Support your Police community meetings and bring a friend http://www.calgarypolice.ca/news/events.html (check for future dates)
  3. Become a role model to our youth "Big Brothers Big Sisters Canada http://www.bigbrothersbigsisters.ca/en/Home/default.aspx
  4. Be accountable - do the right thing and teach your children to do the right thing; when witnessing a violent crime, call Crime Stoppers 1-800-222-8477 Always Anonymous; don't be a "silent witness"
  5. Write/email or call your Mayor, Alderman, MLA, MP, Justice Minister, Premier and Prime Minister and flood their offices by voicing your concerns. Changes will happen if enough of us demand change! **See below how to make contact
  6. Get to know your neighbors and your children's friends. People, who hide, are usually hiding something!
  7. Support Bill 201 - see below
  8. Read the book "Gangsta in the House" - see below
  9. Find more ways to get involved! YouÕre not contributing to the problem if you find ways to be a part of the solution.

Calgary Mayor: http://www.calgarymayor.ca/
Calgary Alderman:
Calgary MLAs: http://calgary.foundlocally.com/Local/Gov-Provincial.htm
Calgary MPs: http://calgary.foundlocally.com/Local/Gov-FederalMPs.htm
Kent Hehr: urgent: Support Bill 201 http://www.kenthehrmla.com/index.php?page=Biography
Albert Justice Minister, Allison Redford: ministryofjustice@gov.ab.ca.
The Honorable Robert Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada:
Alberta Premier: http://www.premier.alberta.ca/
Prime Minister of Canada: http://pm.gc.ca/eng/default.asp Email: pm@pm.gc.ca
The Canadian Bar Association: to address Judges: http://www.cba.org/cba/

A must read Book for ALL Parents: "Gangsta in the House" written by Mike Knox **can be ordered online: http://www.gangguy.com/Gangsta.html

"Gangsta in the House takes the glamour away... it is both frightening and fascinating and should be required reading for all parents, police officers, social workers, judges, ministers, priests, rabbis, and educators." - Dr. Lynne W. Boyle, Detroit Public Schools

"Parents learn what gang leaders are telling kids in Gangsta in the House. We have more in common than we want to believe." - Detroit News

"Innocent victims are NOT in the wrong place at the wrong time, "criminals" are in the wrong place doing the wrong thing, all the time!" Together we can stop this!

Thank you for becoming part of the "Solution"!

Steffi Stehwien


"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Aaron's Story